Based in London today, gender issues remain something close to her heart. Her journey from print to television to a being a novelist has been a fruitful one. While three decades back, she would struggle to get an art piece inserted in the daily she worked for, today Literati has received so much attention. Kishwar Desai is glad at the change Chandigarh has seen in the last three decades. Currently, he is busy writing on Kabir and Ghalib, not from an academic’s point of view but something different and unusual. “Literary Festivals offers the opportunity to writers of knowing their readers, which is remarkable,” says Vajpeyi, who is not too happy that Indian languages get little attention at such fests. Indulge once a while, but be mindful of that.”Īshok Vajpeyi has her own fan-following and merrily chats away on varied aspects of his life - being a poet, critic, architect and more. And she is happy sharing her tip, “Whenever you eat, think whether it falls in the category of nourishment or indulgence.

Far from life, fantasy is not my cup of tea.” She can count her filmy friends on her finger tips, but that doesn’t bother her, “I have friends from other walks of life and then I have my husband to hang out with,” she gives a dimpled smile. “I believe in cinema that a common man can associate with. She is happy doing roles that interest her. “I believe in rounded growth, so I keep busy doing things that interest me.” Being a former beauty queen comes with a baggage of being ‘dumb’ and that’s what Gul is out to refute, “My recent Masters degree with distinction in three subjects is my way of refuting those who still label me as just a ‘former beauty queen’.” Mumbai makes people in the industry totally film- centric, something that Gul doesn’t believe in.

“It’s like attending a master class,” vouches the vibrant girl who was part of sessions Women and the Paradox of Modernity and Exotica is New Erotica (on travel experiences). Gul makes a big deal of attending Literati. Happy making Mumbai her home, acting, producing and writing, she is currently busy finishing her book on health and fitness. Gul Panag believes in following an independent path. The scene was vibrant, the atmosphere charged Literati Chandigarh Lit Fest 2013 managed to scale its high moments. On day one of the Literati Chandigarh Lit Fest 2013, Gul Panag, Ashok Vajpeyi, Kishwar Desai and Madhu Kishwar share excerpts from their literary journeys.Īuthors mingled with their audience volunteers took a moment off for getting an autograph signed or a picture clicked, if literary talk pervaded the atmosphere, the most vocal was the discussion on recent sexual assault case.